7/17 = 24

AO: Badapple

When: 07/17/2023

QIC: Rusty

PAX (6): goat, Spider, Sprocket, The_OG Zima, Thud


Ready to hit multiple spots around Badapple, get some cardio in with a wide-variety of exercises, including coupon work.


Windmill x 15

Imperial Walker x 15

Mountain Climber x 15

Toy Soldier x 15

Sun Gods

Michael Phelps

The Thang:

Mosey to the hill where we started off with a round of 7s.  At the bottom of the hill, 6 burpees, run up the hill, 1 plank jack and back down the hill.  Finish at the bottom of the hill.

Mosey’d to the old school parking lot where our flag used to be planted.  We did 10 monkey humpers.

Mosey’d to the gazebo near the playground.  Since it’s 7/17, going forward, our rep count is 24.  At the gazebo, we did 24 step-ups (beta count), 24 decline mercans and 24 dips.

Mosey’d back to the flag for more cardio and coupon work.  By the flag there was a whiteboard.  That listed out 6 exercises.  You do one exercise, run to the opposite end of the parking lot where there is another whiteboard with 6 exercises.  After each exercise, PAX runs to the opposite end.  The contents of each whiteboard below:

Flag: Rep count is 24.  Use your coupon

  • RD 1. Bicep Curls
  • RD 2. Skull Crushers
  • RD 3. Halo’s
  • RD 4. Bicep Curls
  • RD 5. Skull Crushers
  • RD 6. Halo’s

Bathroom: Rep count is 24.  No coupon

  • RD 1. American Hammers (Alpha)
  • RD 2. Big Boys Sit-Ups
  • RD 3. Shoulder Taps (Beta)
  • RD 4. Crunchy Frogs
  • RD 5. Window Washers (Beta)
  • RD 6. Lunges (Beta)

With 5 minutes left, we did coupon work and sprints.  First, overhead press.  Lined up along the curb, when the person in front of you gets to the light midway through the parking lot, you are supposed to take off.  Side lunges at the other end until your turn to sprint.  Back with the coupons, more skulls until sprinting, then squats by the bathroom.  One last sprint and we are at time!


Prayers for Sprocket’s dad and his brother (who is taking care of his dad).

Prayers for Thud’s nephew, who is returning to the US.

Prayers for my sister-in-law recovering from alcohol-induced hospitalization.

Prayers for Zima regarding his recent surgery.

Prayers for Goose.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

It was a great morning.  It would be great to see more of those familiar faces.

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