Run, Exercise, Sweat, Repeat

AO: Badapple

When: 07/12/2023

QIC: The Real Woody

PAX (3): Dosido, Sprocket


Perfect weather day.  Early morning start.  After weeks of travel and fartsacking, YHC is back in the gloom to lead and it’s a smaller than usual turnout coming on the heels of a Zima Birthday Q hangover.   It will only make those PAX stronger.  Spoiler alert…it did!


13x Abe Vigodas

13x Copperhead Squats

13x Hillbillies

Michael Phelps OYO

Sun Gods OYO

13x Mtn Climbers

13x Dive Bomb Merkins

(6 minutes of warm-0-rama and Dosido is whining it’s too long?!)

The Thang:

3 rounds of 4 stations: First round x 1 of exercise, 2nd round x 2, 3rd round x3

Mosey to Situp Station

1 PAX does 10 BBSUs, Rest do 5 burpees

Mosey to the Pullup station – Morning call

5 pull-ups, 5 Merkins

Mosey to the Basketball Court

10 Merkins, 10 Vups,

Mosey to the Hill:

10 Bonnie Blairs (Alpha), 10 Jump Squats

Run up the hill

(Note: ~3 miles of mosey and exercises only allowed for 2.5 rounds of before time)


Prayers for our leader and bad@ss QIC, Goose.  Prayers for Thrasher and his journey.  Prayers for Sprocket’s niece, “P”.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always a privilege to lead these men.

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