Wet and wild

AO: The Wreck

When: 07/10/2023

QIC: Rooney- timlonergan

PAX (9): Rooney- timlonergan, Mango, gypsy, meltdown, blue, gutter ball, defcon2, cliff, Aflac


My main game plan was to do zero bear crawls today, and that mission was completed.  Although plank crawls are very difficult.


Mango called some side straddle hops, Michael Phelps, toy soldiers, and then 30 pull-ups and 30 of what ever you want to do.

The Thang:

the mango special-

see if you can catch a guy that is similar paced as you (if you give him a head start half way to first base at least).  While being entertained (and thoroughly impressed with the quick pace of many of these guys…), the non runners did planks with dynamic movements

then, we went to the football field with many lunges and coupon work – curls row skull crushers etc


Blue has a movie he wants you to see.

Q sheet needs love.  Go get you some!

Naked-Man Moleskin:

We paired off many times today to support and encourage each other.  That is no different for the journey back into the real world.  There was time to share with your accountability partner what the need was in your life as far as accountability – more sleep, less work, more time with friends or family, healthier food, less drink, more reading, or more devoted spiritually?  Let’s challenge each other and encourage each other in our pursuit of being who we want to be.  We know we can be anything with the help of our great God.
press on toward the goal.

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