Low-impact BD for High Impact Men

AO: Firehouse

When: 07/06/2023

QIC: Seaman

PAX (8): Ace Ventura, Better Call Saul, Closets closets closets, LifeLock VPN, Lightweight, Longshanks, Seaman, Weasley


Slow mosey to the spot, disclaimer and five core principles

Moroccan Night Clubs

Michael Phelps

Finkle Swings


Select a coupon head to the top of the hill

The Thang:

The plan was a Tabata workout, with 60 seconds of exercise, followed by 20 seconds of rest, which is just enough time to remember what’s next and get into starting position.  YHC wanted to get the heart rate up for the cardio, while lifting rocks for the strength.  The tabata format allows the Pax to use good form, rather than race to complete reps quickly and with poor form.

The flaw in the plan was poor attention to detail on my part, so for the first half of round one, we had 10 seconds of rest, which was a comically short period of time.  This was corrected for the second half of round one through the end of the BD.

Round one:

Oil Derricks with coupon (Single leg deadlift, switch leg every 5 reps)

Mario Kart (Hold the coupon straight out and turn it back and forth like a steering wheel)

Australian Snow Angels

Coupon Squats

Skull Crushers


Jazzercise (A cardio exercise that resembles grabbing someone taller than you by the head and smashing it into your knee, or some dodgy cardio from the 80’s)

Repeat those seven exercises twice, then on to Round Two:

Calf Raises (Slow)


Flutter Kicks


Wide squats with coupon

Upright rows

Boxcutters:  Start on your six with your feet 6″ off the deck, make a box with your feet

Repeat until time runs out


Announcements:  Rome Ruck 7/22

Prayers for Benny, and Better Call Saul’s friend, Ace and his M as they are “sleep training” which sounds like long nights for all parties involved.  Prayers for the many folks traveling, as well as any unspoken prayers, the Sky Q will know what to do.


Naked-Man Moleskin:

Grateful to this group of HIM, I look forward to the triumphant return of many more to the gloom soon…

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