Cumming Redemption

AO: Jailbreak

When: 07/06/2023

QIC: Baskins

PAX (18): Animal, Baskins, Corn Dog, Happy Tree, Joro, Krystal, la-Z-boy, Mantooth, Mr. Hand, Olaf, Pinkman, Prius, Scampi, Schneider, Snake, Soul Glo, Swiper


After a region wide fart sack post 4th, the men of Cumming returned like a herd of buffalo thundering across the plains.


We thought of Snowman and how we missed him while he visited Norseman. We also pondered Inseam and hoped he was snuggled up tight in his bed dreaming of warm sands and cool drinks.

The Thang:

Out and back on the hills of Castleberry Rd.


Praise for a great 4th and fun PRR. It was an honor to run with my brothers and remember my father on the anniversary of his passing.

Prayers for Happy Tree as they travel for the next 3 weeks.  Q

Naked-Man Moleskin:

I have had a heavy heart lately as I learn more and more about human trafficking especially involving children.  There is a great movie out called The Sound of Freedom.  I encourage you all to watch it and be vigilant in protecting your children and those who can’t protect them selves.


Love you guys and its always a pleasure to lead!

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