6th Annual Crabtree

AO: The Wreck

When: 07/04/2023

QIC: aflac, squeegee, virginia slim

PAX (15): Backside, Circus, Deadbeat, Juul, Matt Shields-Norm, Mayhem, Miyagi, Nacho Libre, Pumba, Sell-out, Sprocket, Squeegee, Tiny Dancer, Virginia Slim


The 6th Annual Crabtree had a legacy to live up to and this year’s version certainly did not disappoint.  The usual Q trifecta of Squeegee, Virginia Slim, and AFLAC showed up early to greet PAX from nearby AO’s and beyond.

The Thang:

AFLAC started things off by leading PAX to the playground for the first leg of the trifecta, which consisted of 5 rounds of the following:

  • 10 Pull-ups
  • 20 Mercans
  • 30 Squats
  • Run to the flag, perform 3 Burpees
  • Run back to the playground
  • Rinse/repeat

With 5 (ish) rounds complete, Squeegee led PAX on an extended mosey toward the Roswell Square.  Arriving PAX were very thankful to be greeted by a cooler full of replenishment.  After some quick rehydration, Squeegee led a brutal second leg of the trifecta – a modified version of Captain Thor:

  • Perform 4 alpha-count inverse crunches.
  • Perform 1 V-Up.
  • Increase reps by 4 & 1 respectively until reaching 40 & 10.

Modifications were CLEARLY needed by round 5, which included LBC’s and American Hammers.

Once completed, Virginia Slim stepped up to lead PAX on a route towards his compound on Coleman Rd for round 3.  PAX were greeted with a stack of cinders and themed instructions for a grand total of 247 repetitions across various exercises.  Pyrotechnics were employed to wake the neighbors and rain down on sweaty PAX getting the work done.  No sally cinders were made available this year.

With a cooler full of ice-cold beer as incentive, all PAX began the final push up North Coleman back to the park.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

On this day, we are reminded that there is MUCH more that binds us together than divides us as a people.  Never forget that.  Society tends to amplify the divisive voices and suppress the uniters.  F3 is a constant reminder that the things that we rally around and do together are what makes our country great.

AFLAC, Squeegee, Virginia Slim OUT!

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