Beeline Ruck
AO: Starting Line
When: 05/05/2023
QIC: Beeline
PAX (7): Better Call Saul, DDoS, Dunshire, Janeway, Script Kiddie, Sirmixalot, Beeline
Script Kiddie & DDos pre-rucked.
None. This is a Beeline Q we’re talking about. But the disclaimer was issued (mostly).
The Thang:
We rucked in true Beeline break-neck speed. The only thing going faster than our feet was Beeline’s stories. The front 5 had to double back repeatedly to pick up compromised sixes (Dunshire and Janeway).
Halfway through, Beeline made us stop and do something like 100 merkins. DDos did something like 80 of them with a massively heavy ruck on his back. It was awesome.
Then we sprinted off in a talk/ruck again.
Something substantive was shared and we prayed.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
The Beeline evaporated from wherever he came. *POOF* Can’t remember because this BB is as old as my mother, but it’s done!!!