AO: Badapple
When: 06/05/2023
QIC: Chalupa
PAX (5): Avis, goat, Goose, Rusty, Tank
Nice Monday to Celebrate yours truly birthday which is actually Tuesday the 6th
SSH, Hillbilly, Weedpicker, Michael Phelps, Sun Gods, Copperhead squats, Mtn Climbers. Kept the theme of 5 or 5×2=10 reps
The Thang:
Mosey for morning call at pull-up station
Good mornings while 1 pax did 5 pull ups while others did merkins to count.
Mosey back to base
With our coupons, Mr Cinder, we rep’d every exercise to count (5+5=10)
1. squats while cinder held above with arms extended
2. curls
3. shoulder press
4. Merkins using cinder
Cusak (rifle carry) 180 around parking lot
Repeat above except chest press instead of merkins
Lunges 180 back to start
In theme, 55 lbc’s
another set of 10’s and repeat above
55 v-ups
meet Goat on Zima’s hill for run down, 55 shoulder taps beta count.
back up the hill and 55 dying cockroaches
Just enough time for 1 more 360 of exercise, rifle carry’s and lunges.
finished off with box cutters…. Whew!!
Thoughts and prayers for Sprocket and his mom and dad as he is in Texas.
The Skole family with the passing of the oldest son, Mike.
My cousin Mathew