Tour of Fouts Road

AO: Gladiator

When: 04/20/2023

QIC: Spandex

PAX (14): Bo Knows, Cheneral, defcon2, DREAMER, Fire Drill, Judy, Laces, Macbeth, Mater, Moonshine, Skunkworks, Spandex, TheBigShort, Brownie


There were no FNGs this morning, but we did have a PAX down range.  Welcome Skunkworks from Philly!


A slow mosey from the flags to the cheese grater for a warmup.

  1. Weed pickers
  2. Windmills
  3. World’s Greatest Stretch

The Thang:

A journey down Fouts Road with 5 pain stations.

At each pain station, the PAX performed:

  1. 5 Burpees
  2. 10 Star Jumps
  3. 15 Apolo Ohonos

Library parking lot the PAX partnered up and performed the following.  Partner 1 performed the exercise while partner 2 ran around the lot.  They would switch up until the total reps reached were 100.  They would then move to the next exercise until complete.

  1. 100 Mercans
  2. 100 BBSUs
  3. 100 Tricept Dips

We then headed back down Fouts Road and performed the following.

  1. 5 Burpees
  2. 10 Hop Squats
  3. 15 Reverse Lunges

We headed to the gazebo for a quick ab session with 30 leg raises while lying on the picnic benches.  Time was running out, so we moseyed back to the flag for a few Mary exercises.


  • Pray for DC2 with his job search

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thank you for letting me lead.  Always a pleasure!

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