Stack The Deck

AO: The Hooch

When: 04/17/2023

QIC: Meatball

PAX (19): Angus, BallBoy, Birdie, Boomer, Chopper, Flo, HIPPA, Maguire, Meatball, Mid-riff, Pigtails, Popper, PuffDaddy, Saint2O, Scrooge, Sunshine, Tenderfoot, TURK, Zima




Mosey to the Bakery Side of the parking lot – Some HIgh Knee’s and Butt Kickers on the way over.




Shoulder Presses

Michael Phelps

Moroccan Nightclub



The Thang:

Our workout with the F3 deck of cards was like playing a game of chance with our muscles. For 35 minutes, we let fate (or rather, the cards) decide our fate. With each turn, we were dealt a number and a suit, and the corresponding exercise was our destiny. Burpees? Check. Squats? You bet. And of course, plenty of Merkins– we must have gone through half a deck’s worth. Everyone thought I stacked the deck there were so many different merkins. It turned into chest day with some running in between. It was a true test of endurance and strength, but also a refreshing break from the monotony of a usual workout routine. Plus, there was a certain thrill in not knowing what was coming next. Who needs a personal trainer when you’ve got a deck of cards?


I forgot to announce that we will help Mary Lynn Evans this weekend spread some mulch and pine straw. She is the widow of our F3 brother Ready-Mix who lost his life last year in a tragic skiing accident.

Praise for Popper and his father son Boy Scout trip with some other dads from his troop.

Safe Travels

CSAUP this Friday night

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always an honor to lead these men!

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