HIIT with Ruck

AO: Firehouse

When: 04/04/2023

QIC: Lightweight

PAX (9): Better Call Saul, Closets closets closets, DDoS, Dunshire, LifeLock VPN, Lightweight, Script Kiddie, Seaman, Suarez


DDos with the PrePreRun and script kiddie joining in. Lightweight, lifelock and seaman joined in during the prerun.


Everyone grabbed a ruck and we did a slow mosey to the start. There we had a confusing start with warm ups.



Sun Gods

Reverse Sun Gods

Moroccan night club

Over head claps

The Thang:

We did a HIIT workout with rucks.


Parker Peter 45sec

Break 25sec

High Knees 45sec

Break 25sec

Raised Leg Plank 45sec

Break 25sec

Bob Hurley 45sec

Break 25sec

Scissors 45sec

Break 25sec

Crab with Rotation 45sec

Break 25sec

Run 2:30 sec

Break 25sec

Repeat 3 times

Ended with Mary


MOC, ball of man, and coffee

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