Ending in a Grave
AO: Windjammer
When: 10/28/2022
QIC: Irene
PAX (10): Caroline, Dipstick, DirtyMO, Maytag AI, Milli Vanilli, Nair, uga, Walkie Talkie, Roller Derby
I’ve been running around Lake Windward during non-beatdowns, and I found a Graveyard tucked away in the forest. Inspired by AO_HoppyLite’s Graveyard Tours, I figured I’d take the Windjammer’s to their local haunt and explore ways they too could end up in the grave.
Up against stiff competition for Pax’s attention with HoppyLite’s Halloween Trick-or-Treat run, Dipstick and I EH’d an FNG to keep the numbers up. Finally, in an effort to start the BD off in the holiday spirit, YHC showed up in costume to find no one else was as prepared. Oh well! I ditched the costume, read the disclaimer, and off we went to warm-up at the dam.
It’s 2.1 miles to the graveyard and back, so we needed to warm-up first (the only cold stiffs in our graveyard were going to be in the ground already). SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Weedpickers, and Copperhead Squats completed while looking out over the lake. With the Pax warmed up, we set off for the graveyard and our tour-de-death (F3 Style).
The Thang:
YHC started the run, but to keep everyone together we did it Indian style as we made our way to the boat launch. The first way you can end up in the grave is to get hit by a tidal wave, so we performed the Merkin Wave (10 rep increasing rounds) in a circle. Pax did a good job getting the wave form and knocking out the 55 total merkins, so on we went to our next stop at the top of the hill.
After climbing the hill, YHC let everyone know that an Avalanche is another way to end up in the grave, and the usual suspects for being caught in an avalanche are Mountain Climbers – 100 OYO. With our mountain summited, the Windjammer ran on to the Long Creek subdivision entrance.
Our brief run ended abruptly when YHC called halt to announce the next exercise: Sumo Squats (50 OYO). The loose connection to the grave is being crushed to death – tenuous at best! Pax crushed the squats and we jogged on to the end of Lake Windward Drive.
With Halloween approaching and Joro’s all around, an unaware Pax could end up stuck in a spiderweb, so Jack Webbs were the next exercise. YHC searched the exicon and underestimated this simple exercise of 1:4 Merkin: OH Air Press with increasing reps to 10 and may have used up some valuable time here that haunts YHC at the end. Next stop: Bethlehem Cemetery.
This little cemetery was established in the 1850s and was maintained until 1965. An Eagle Scout project in 2003 restored the cemetery grounds and there’s a plaque commemorating it just off the sidewalk entrance on the right-hand side. On a scouting run earlier in the week, YHC found the oldest gravesite and the youngest gravesite (1965). In honor of the eldest resident of Bethlehem Cemetery, the Pax collectively did 1855 Flutterkicks (SC OYO) while laying on hallowed ground to simulate being buried alive. All 10 Pax completed the exercise and escaped the cemetery unscathed, though there was some mumble chatter of zombie groans during the flutterkicks.
Escaping fate so far, Pax accelerated on the return leg. A halt was called at Harbour Walk entrance for Bolt 45s to illustrate the dangers of death by drinking. Bolt 45s are 15 top 1/2 squats, 15 bottom 1/2 squats, and 15 full squats. These were no match of the Pax of Windjammer and we quickly resumed our Indian Run on to near the top of the hill.
Our final tour-de-death exercise were Wheelbarrow Partner Derkins (2x 20 each) to simulate being Overworked. These sets were no challenge for the Pax and we pressed on. As the end of the BD was approaching, YHC audibled and left two more stops for announcement only: War 15 Lt. Dangers (Lunge-Lunge-Squat-Merkin) and Laziness Partner’s People’s Chair with Coupon Pass (Pax wall sit back to back while exchanging a coupon back and forth). Completing the tour-de-death, but short changing the Pax on the full workout, YHC called All-You-Got from the dam to the flag and we reached the end right on time.
Pax circled up and announced the many goings-on of F3 Alpha:
-Convergence tomorrow (10/29) at 6:30 with Pre-Ruck and Pre-Run options
-November 13 @ 3 Beer Ruck and Chili Cook Off
-November 23 Blood Drive for Thanksgiving
-December 10 Santa Ruck
Prayers were offered for Stanely Robin (YHC’s Uncle who passed away two weeks ago), Hugh (Caroline’s Father who’s adjusting to new health circumstances), and Cox’s M (recovering from brain surgery).
Finally, Pax welcomed and FNG to the center of the circle to dub Roller Derby a new member of F3 Alpha. Welcome.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Thanks all for joining YHC on this Q. it was a pleasure to lead.