One Tabata, two Tabata, three Tabata, four…..
AO: Boneyard
When: 10/10/2022
QIC: Dinghy
PAX (5): FannyPack, Mater, Speedo, Trebek
Many PAX know that two of YHC’s favorite beatdown tools are coupons and tabatas. Being that IPC didn’t utilize coupons as much as in prior years, it was a good time to break out the cinders AND combine them with a tabata format, much like mixing chocolate and peanut butter, or pure sodium with water….Each of those combinations creates a significantly different but very useful product (Peanut butter cups and, if there’s a little chlorine, salt), although if you don’t use the proper balance you can blow a whole in the roof of your high school’s chemistry lab, kind of like my chem teacher did junior year. With that in mind, a disclaimer was given (i.e., modify as necessary), we sought out ad hoc coupons for those without, and off we went…..
Weedpickers x 10
Willie Mays Hays x 14 (7 each leg)
Moroccan night clubs x 10
SSH’s x 10
Mosey around the ampitheater, then to the trail around playground to obtain a suitable coupon for one of the pax, then back to the flag. Grab coupons and carry Zamperini style to the side parking lot by the lacrosse field
The Thang:
- Easy Street up: Pax circled up, chopped feet, and dropped for a burpee at the call of down. Took turns making the call for down, done through the completion of the song “Easy Street” (or about 2 minutes)
- Tabatas – 20 seconds work, 10 seconds active rest with an air chair, alternating two exercises for each round
- Bent row / block swings, followed by Bernie Sanders to the end of the parking lot, drop for a burpee, then return via Bernie Sanders
- Goblet squats / stiff leg deadlift, followed by block farmer’s carry to the end of the parking lot, drop for a burpee, then return
- Dercan / overhead press, followed by Bernie Sanders to the end, burpee, Bernie back
- Curls / Skull crushers
- Line up on side of the parking lot for 7’s (vs. 11’s), consisting of 6 Mike Tyson’s / 1 Monkey Humper and progressing to completion of 1 Mike Tyson and 6 Monkey Humpers. Mode of travel via Colonel Sanders (duck walks while doing air presses across the parking lot)
- Bloody Mary – 10 Buzzsaws, 10 second low plank hold, 10 each of Gas Pumpers, American Hammers, Flutter Kicks, LBC’s, then 10 second low plank and 10 Buzzsaws….and that was time
- 10/29 is the Alpha Convergence at The Boneyard. Still looking for local Boneyardianites to help guide folks station to station.
- Prayers for those traveling on break, as well as those managing kids at home (either on break or due to sickness). Praise for employment getting close for Dinghy
Naked-Man Moleskin:
It was good to get a solid cinder workout this morning, and YHC was thankful to be able to share that with some hard-charging PAX. Well done this morning, men – The chatter was upbeat and folks were focused on max effort. Was a great day to lead!