Just Keep Moving
AO: Boneyard
When: 06/27/2022
QIC: Dinghy
PAX (8): DREAMER, FannyPack, Mater, RaspberryPi, Speedo, Stroller, Brownie
It’s YHC’s understanding that the older one gets, the more important it is to stay moving. Whether it’s an older car, and older dog, or an older person, we’re meant to be moving. If we’re not, we literally start to rust (i.e., like the tin man). When putting together this morning’s BD, YHC tried to keep it simple BUT interesting AND mobile. Based on the groans and mumblechatter afterwards, mission accomplished.
With no FNG’s, standard disclaimer was provided, and off we went…..
10 each of the following exercises (wanted to make sure to warm up the hips especially, given what we were getting ready to do):
Moroccan NightClubs
Copperhead squats
Mosey around the ampitheatre to the lacrosse field (yes, Speedo, YHC did indeed understand that we were taking the long way around to get from the flag to the field of play).
The Thang:
A. Starting on the sideline at midfield, did a rolling set of BLIMPS (Burpees x 5, alpha Lunges x 10, Imperial Walkers x 15, Mercans x 20, Plank Jacks x 25, Squats x 30). Individual exercises done at midfield and each corner of the field, finishing at the midfield starting point. When travelling to the next station, PAX faced north and side shuffled left, ran forward, LOOONG side shuffle right, Bernie Sanders back, and side shuffle left. Air chair for the six, THEN rinse and repeat going counter clockwise.
B. 11’s, going sideline to sideline; Big Boys paired with hand release Mercans. Run forward going to the far sideline, Bernie Sanders back. Plank for the 6
C. Mosey to the concession stand. Conduct Tabatas with alternating step ups (using the picnic tables) with dips. Active rest with Air Chairs
D. Mosey back to the flag. Conduct Tabatas with alternating Carolina Dry Docks with Monkey Humpers.
E. Still PLENTY of time for fun, so a Jack Webb was deemed very appropriate: 1 Mercan paired with 4 air presses, done in cadence, up through 10 Mercans/40 air presses.
F. 5 Burpees OYO, and that was time…..
- 23 July: Q and BBQ at The Bound
- 21 July: 2nd F opportunity at The Icebox in Peachtree Corners
- Aug 6: FIA/F3 joint BD, final location pending approval
- Continued prayers for Cox’s M
- Prayers for travel mercies for all on business and vacation
Naked-Man Moleskin:
What a great morning to stretch ourselves, men. Whether it’s moving from pain station to pain station differently (e.g., side shuffle or Bernie Sanders vs. forward – thinking about going to the Ministry of Silly Walks sketch for additional inspiration) or alternating exercises that one wouldn’t normally pair, there are many ways to stay simple but stay moving – and accelerating fitness.
It’s a continuing to privilege to lead others in their fitness journey while trying to accelerate mine, so appreciate the support. I strenuously recommend everyone give that Q sheet some love and continue building their leadership muscles as well……