Wrestling Practice
AO: Nirvana
When: 06/25/2022
QIC: Nacho Libre
PAX (10): Dosido, Lil Hurt, Pinkey, Shooter, Stu, TheBurn, TMI, Wilson, Tank
Well YHC asked who was on Q for Saturday’s beatdown and without skipping a beat Caffey nominated me to Q. Shooter and I went for the 30 min. pre run option and meet everyone back at the flag ready to go.
After chasing shooter up the Milton CC trial hill to get back to the flag YHC needed a break before the warm up. We backwards ran the strait-away of the track at the middle school then lunge walked the turn. By that time I had caught my breath and we were on to the elementary school. SSH’s, Hill Billy’s, Weed pickers, and Squats rounded out the warmup.
The Thang:
So with all the friendly banter between the Rubicon and Norseman YHC decided to run a wrestling practice for the pax.
We started at the elementary school with the basics. 15 Burpees then side shuffle across the field to the benches. At the benches everyone performed 20 step-ups. After the pax finished we gathered for our a basic standup. 10 total. After the pax Mastered the stand up it was time for graduation to middle school.
Back at the middle school track we preformed 15 burpees then ran half a lap. Now time for our next wrestling drill. The Sumo Game. We lined up light to heavy around the lacrosse circle and got after it. The two lightest started off with the goal to push your opponent out of the circle. Winner stays in and the next lightest man comes in. Dosido had a good run with his low center of gravity. TheBurn caught YHC off guard and slung me out of the circle. But Lil Hurt’s size and wrestling knowledge proved too much as he was crowned king of the Sumo Circle. Before we finished Middle school we did 10 more Burpees then we ducked walked across the starting parking lot. And just like that we were headed to High School.
At High School we started with 20 Burpees then backwards ran to the HS Building. On the way to the track we stopped at 5 different light post for 10 merkins each. YHC promised merkins and I didn’t want to let anyone down. We stopped over by the track for some Monkey Humpers and wall sits. Then on to the Track for the last big push. 15 Burpees take and lap. 15 more Burpees and take another lap. With about 8 mins left of the workout YHC heard some grumbling about “hitting the hill for graduation” and glad “we don’t have time for college wrestling”. Well with only 50 done so far (we did hit 100 burpees though) YHC knew we needed more. 30 more merkins at different light poles. 20 more on the way to the flag. 3 Mins of Mary and we were done.
Honored to lead this group of men. Prayers for families in the community that have lost children lately.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Always a good time to check out Nirvana! One of the best kept secrets in F3 Alpha!