You have been randomly selected to receive a beatdown
AO: Firehouse
When: 06/16/2022
QIC: Sirmixalot
PAX (8): Ace Ventura, Dunshire, LifeLock VPN, Lightweight, SaaSy MoM, Sirmixalot, Suarez, Weasley
YHC had in mind to have a date with the sandbags but I did not have the prep time I wanted for that. So I tried out the random beatdown generator from our UK brothers. It generated (with some modifications) a pretty good beatdown. I don’t think anyone found it too easy. I will definitely re-visit this in the future.
Disclaimer given
SSH, Tie Fighters, Weed pickers, Willie mays hayes, Good mornings.
The Thang:
Rep Count for each round decided by dice roll. 2-12 sided dice were used.
Round 1 (20 Reps each excercise at top and bottom of hill)
Pickle Pointers, Shoulder Taps, Bobby Hurleys, Superman – Run to bottom of hill and repeat – Run back to top of the hill for round 2
Round 2 (20 reps each exercise at top and bottom of hill)
Mountain Climber, Burpees, Ballerinas (Squat on tiptoes) Big boy situps – Lunge to bottom of hill and repeat – Lunge back to top of hill for round 3
Round 3 (13 reps for each exercise at top and bottom of hill)
Plank Jacks, Ranger Merkins, Wojo Squats (Smack the ground at the bottom of the squat), Not so lazy boys (Like american hammers but slow and engaging the core on each side with feet on the ground and leaned back) Lunge back to top of hill for Thang 2
Thang 2 – around the flag pole – Ring of fire merkins – Alabama ass kickers IC 10 each side
Mary – WW2 situps, American Hammers. Finished with one round of breathing exercises.
Count-a-rama, Name-a-rama
Several prayer requests were mentioned. Lots of challenges in our lives as men.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Good workout, challenging and positive. Glad to lead.