Happy Birthday Stiff Arm, wherever you are
AO: Rubicon
When: 06/16/2022
QIC: Zohan
PAX (11): Cookie, Devito, False Start, Focker, Lil Hurt, Matt Shields-Norm, MillerTime, No-See-Um, Pinkey, Special K, Zohan
My plan was to go to Norseman. Wake up and get organize quickly and quietly. Don’t wake up the M. Make it on time. Simple.
Well, it didn’t work out quite like that. I hit the snooze on the alarm, instead of getting up immediately, and when it beeped again I knew my wife will not appreciate it. But at least she didn’t wake. I moved slower than I used to, but that’s ok. I have time. Put on shoes, grabs the bag, reach for the keys and… they’re not there. I start walking around the house looking for them, well aware that my M is well aware. I venture back to my bedroom and yes, she’s asking me what’s going on. I tell her. Turns out the keys were in the car all night. Lovely.
Will I make it to Norseman? Nope. I’ll be a minute or two late. Better head toward Rubicon instead. I checked the Q sheet yesterday so I knew Stiff Arm has a birthday Q.
But he’s not there. PAX coming in. It’s 5:29 and no Q in sight. My plan for this morning didn’t work, but maybe HIS plan did? I don’t know. HE doesn’t send emails with clear instructions. Sign or no sign, I took the Q. Did I have a well thought of plan? No, but we’ll make it work.
Mosey to the big parking lot. Circle up for SSH, Copper Head Squats, Toy Soldiers, OYO Baby arm circles and finish with Merkins.
The Thang:
We resumed our mosey toward the track. We positioned on the grass near the pavilion and partnered up for a BLIMPS Dora. 50 Burpees, 100 single lunges, 150 single Imperial Walkers, 200 Merkins, 250 Plank Jacks and 300 Squats. One partner runs to the end of the track and back while the other one does the exercises.
We helped the 6 finish the squats and did a walking 10 count, then moseyed toward the flag.
We stopped at the plantares for 15 IC Dips, 10 IC Derkins and 20 IC American Hammers.
Resuming our mosey we stopped at the roundabout for a Homer’s Donut (a Hooch thing) – bear crawl around the circle.
Back at the flag we did LBCs for the 6 and then BBSU, Flatter Kicks, Monkey Humpers (Devito was asked to avoid the traditional sound effects to avoid scaring the civilians) and a few Pickle Pointers. Time.
Prayers for Devito’s father’s health.
Grow Ruck coming up. Sign up for the event or to assist.
Blood Drive. Date TBD. Follow Slack.
Tomorrow at the Windjammer – beatdown and boat ride.
No-See-Um talked about Being Interested vs. Being Committed. Good discussion followed.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Life doesn’t always happen as we plan. Often, really. But there’s a lot of value in planning nevertheless. F3 taught me valuable lessons about Being Prepared for the unexpected. Taking up an impromptu Q is really a small example, but one that demonstrates the need. I have no idea what HIS plans are. HE doesn’t share, post, text, email or provide a curtesy phone call. But HE does give us the opportunities. It’s up to us to be prepared, to notice them and to step up. I’m truly thankful to be surrounded daily by HIM that provide such examples. Just from recent events – Miller Time and his work with NLB and COX, collecting backpacks for kids. There are more such men around us. Examples I did not mention and some I didn’t see but do occur. I strive to be such a man as well.