U2 Can Move Cinders

AO: Gladiator

When: 06/09/2022

QIC: Spandex

PAX (14): Cheneral, defcon2, DREAMER, Fire Drill, Laces, Macbeth, Moonshine, Scratch-Off, Snowbird, Speedo, Tar Heel, TheBigShort, Brownie


No rain!  That’s a great start!


Quick mosey around the parking lot with a little fancy footwork navigating the parking lot stripes.

  • 10 weedpickers
  • 10 baby arm circles forward
  • 10 baby arm circles backward

The Thang:

The PAX collected their cinders and we headed to the pitch where we partnered up and got after it.

Thang 1

Partner 1:  Farmer carry two cinders around the perimeter of the pitch

Partner 2:  10 Bonnie Blairs and run a half lap, then 10 jump squats and run a half lap

Flap Jack…

Partner 2:  Farmer carry two cinders around the perimeter of the pitch

Partner 1:  10 Bonnie Blairs and run a half lap, then 10 jump squats and run a half lap

After finishing up thang 1, the PAX headed over to the splash pad parking lot where we found a board of pain.  We all still had our cinders and were ready for more work.

Thang 2:

The following exercises were done with a partner.  One partner would perform one exercise while the other partner would perform the other.  Partners would flap jack and continue doing so until the song was over.  HYC is a product of the ’80s and provided music by one of his favorite bands, U2.

  1. Cinder Thrusters & Cusack with cinder to the middle of the lot and back
  2. Cinder Curls & Run with cinder to the end of the parking lot and back
  3. Kettle Swings with Cinder & Run to the end of the parking lot and back
  4. Burpee Block Jump Overs & Lunge walk with cinder 10 steps and return
  5. Mercan Walkovers & Cusack with cinder to the middle of the lot and back
  6. Tricep Dips & Run with cinder to the end of the parking lot and back
  7. Sumo Squats with Cinder & Run to the end of the parking lot and back


DC2 is leaving Friday for his epic adventure out west.  Stay strong and carry on, my friend!

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always a pleasure to train with the men of The Gladiator!  Thank you for coming out!

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