55 and Failure

AO: The Gladiator

When: 02/11/2021

QIC: Speedo

PAX (17): Scratchoff, Snowbird (RR), Tebow, Bo Knows, Clog (my boy), Dreamer, Shiner, Cheneral, Louganis, Laces, Fire Drill, Stroller, Brownie, Raspberry Pi, Zohan, Meatball


After driving by an 8 point buck on the way into the park, it was cool to pull in and see the flags already planted and a few pre-whatever cars in the lot.  The weather was perfect for the workout YHC had planned on my 55th birthday (gulp).  My son (F3 Clog) was able to rearrange his work schedule today to join us and it was fun re-introducing him to the group. A short disclaimer was given and we were off.


Mosey to the other side of the rec center for a quick warm-up:

  • SSH x15
  • Weed pickers x10
  • Hillbillies x10
  • Arm circles forward x10 then backward x10 then OH claps x10 then seal claps x10

The Thang:

Mosey to the back hill where PAX were instructed to pick a curlable rock or two smaller rocks if a large one could not be found. The goal was to go to failure/long pause on each exercise and then run a bit in between sets to recover.

  1. First exercise  – curls with coupon – on failure drop the rock and run to the top of the hill and back down.  Repeat for a total of 3x.  After round 3 PAX were told to run with their coupon to the top of the hill.
  2. Second exercise – squats with coupon – on failure drop the rock and run down the hill and back up.  Repeat for a total of 2x.  After round 2 take coupon down back to the first location.
  3. Third exercise was OH press with the coupon – PAX were told this would be only one round so push as many out as possible.  On failure drop the rock and run down the hill to path and back up.  Cusack for the 6

We then gently returned the rocks to exactly where we found them and headed to the pitch.  Following the same theme of failure IS an option, we started with merkins on the end line.  On failure run to the other end line and back.  Repeat 2 more times…definitely some groaning going on for this one.  Next round we held 6 inches (or 12 or 19 or 23) to failure then Bernie Sanders to the midline and back.  YHC didn’t think about the risk two guys running backwards in opposite directions might pose but I’m pretty sure no one collided, not violently at least.  Repeated this two more times.

Back to the flag where the co-Q Shiner tried to call mary but YHC had something special in mind.  We had conveniently failed to do any burpees so far and I couldn’t disappoint my brother from another mother Stroller so we knocked out a quick circle burp with high knees…well as quick as 17 guys could do them at the end of this workout.


Zohan reminded us about the No Longer Bound (NLB) beat down and meal on Saturday at 4 pm and about the pre-ruck and beat down at the Widowmaker on Saturday where YHC supposedly has the Q.  Prayers were lifted up for peace in our nation, wisdom for our leaders and for ourselves and for strength to face what each of us has in front of us today.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

I co-lead a group of boys at church.  We’ve been with them since 6th grade and they are now juniors.  We’ve been talking about decision-making and how we are where we are today because of the sum total of the decisions we’ve made in life (and not discounting God’s role in our lives).  I have a little more life to look back on than them and most of you and can see where I’ve made some good decisions and some not so good ones.  Whether they turn out to be good or bad, each decision we make has its consequences.  We may not see/feel/understand the consequence immediately but they are there regardless.  As you face decisions in your life, don’t just think about the immediate pleasure, contentment, high, fun, ease, etc. but think about whether you want that decision to be part of your story later on.  Challenge yourself to notice and not ignore any tension you feel as you try to make a decision.  And don’t forget to seek God’s guidance and LISTEN TO HIM if He responds.

–Speedo out…time for a nap

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