C’mon Juul!

AO: The Wreck

When: 08/17/2020


PAX (16): Rooney, Hasselhoff, Raider, Sellout, Bear, Yankee, Meltdown, One Call, Juul, Norm, AFLAC


Coming off a HARD week of two-a-days BRR training, YHC was quite pleased to see his name on the Q sheet as it meant that he could tailor the BD and give the legs a break.  While a good Murph came to mind, Q had some thoughts of mixing it up a bit and giving the PAX an all-out upper body BD.


Slow mosey up the main road toward the large parking lot, where Q directed PAX to circle-up on the football field for the following warm-ups:

  • Mountain Climbers
  • Toy Soldiers
  • Imperial Walkers

The Thang:

Q instructed PAX to pair up and meet at the corner of the football field for a round of catch-me-if-you-can, Bears/Crabs style.  Partner A would crab-walk backwards while Partner B performed 5 BBS.  Once finished, Partner B would bear-crawl forwards to catch Partner A, switching roles.  Rinse/repeat around half of the football field.

Q was roughly halfway around the field when he noticed that his cohort (Juul) wasn’t exhibiting the requisite expediency in catching up to his partner in pain.  Without thinking twice, YHC hollored out “C’mon Juul!”, much to the amusement of veteran PAX who know the history behind the phrase (hint – it’s on a shirt).

After some quick Mary and 30 more yards for early finishers bringing in the six, Q led PAX on a mosey around the perimeter of the fields towards the playground for a modified Mini-Murph consisting of rounds of the following:

  • 10 Pull-Ups
  • 20 Decline Merkins
  • 30 Dips

Rinse & repeat for 5-6 rounds or until Q calls time.  With roughly 15 minutes remaining, Q led PAX back towards the LAX field for a quick round of 7’s with the following format:

  • Mike Tyson’s (against the wall)
  • Bear-crawl to the first hash-mark
  • BBS’s
  • Crab-walk back to the wall

With about 2 minutes left on the clock, Q called time and directed PAX back to the flag.  No time for Mary today.


  • Congrats to Rooney on the exciting news that they are expecting a girl early in 2021!

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Ignore the noise, be kind to each other, and stay focused on the goal.

AFLAC out.

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