Not your mama’s Deck of Death

AO: The Storm

When: 07/16/2020

QIC: Zohan

PAX (7): Whiz, Inseam, Spit Valve, Olaf, Swiper, Emeral, Zohan


First time I’m Qing at The Storm. Really appreciated the opportunity to lead there and wanted to bring something new to the table. I like the randomness when using a deck of cards, but I felt that one can do better. With a regular deck you know how much you’ll be doing in total near the end of the deck you might even be able to anticipate what’s left.

Not today.


Being time conscious, we did a very quick mosey and some SSH, Hill Billies and Merkins. YHC’s mind was preoccupied and forgot to change intonations to indicate when Merkins are done. The PAX forgave.

The Thang:

A white board was set up with the exercises for the Deck:

Numbers 2-10: Merkins (Spades), Sumo Squats (Hearts), Shoulder Taps alpha count (Diamonds), Sprint Lunges single count (Clubs).

(Sprint lunge – a deep lunge. your finger tips should touch the ground near the foot.)

Higher cards: 10 Burpees (Jacks), 15 BBSU (Queens), 20 American Hammers alpha count (Kings), A run behind the brewery and back (Black Aces), 1 Minute Elbow Plank (Red Aces).

The Twist: We have two decks of 52 cards (no jokers). Draw a card from each deck and follow the higher face value. Aces are highest value. If you’re lucky enough to draw two cards of same value than do both!

YHC turned the music on and we started. Of course the first round was Burpees.

We did the following before YHC called to run back to the flag:

43 Merkins, 32 Sprint Lunges, 30 Sumo Squats, 44 Shoulder Taps, 60 Burpees, 90 Big Boy Sit Ups, 100 American Hammers, 4 Runs and 3 minutes of Elbow Planks (2 of them were one after the other for the extra suck).

A the flag YHC called for 20 Flatter Kicks in quick cadence.



Lots of CSAUPs in August!

Naked-Man Moleskin:

The PAX really liked the double deck variety and noted they’ll reuse it. I take it as the highest compliment and truly appreciate this opportunity to lead and bring some valued pain and chaos.

I learned about Nacho’s trick with face only cards. Respect, brother!!

YHC is sorry to be missing the CSAUPs in August. With M out of town and me with the kids, it’s just bad timing. However, I’m thrilled that we have so much going on in the region and hope many will sign up to challenge themselves!

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