The Ghost of Christmas Eve
AO: The Gladiator
When: 12/19/2019
QIC: Zohan
PAX (14): Death Con 2, Speedo, Strikeout, Tebow, Scar, Brownie, Blackbox, Cheneral, Spandex, Delicious, Renegade, Scrum, Scratch Off, Zohan
This was an impromptu Q, thanks to Manchester that ghosted us (again).
Mosey in the parking lot and around the soccer field.
SSH, Hill Billies, Wind Mills
The Thang:
Escalating 4 corners on the Penalty box – Hand Release Merkins, Big Boy Sits Up, Jump Squats, Bonnie Blairs. Starting with 1 at each corner, then 2… up to 10 at each corner. Air chair for the 6.
Lazy Dora till failure (repeat of yesterday’s Q at Caney Creek) – partner up. 500 LBCs. One partner Balls to the Wall until failure while the other does LBCs and switch. Then one partner Low Plank till failure while the other continues with the LBCs and switch. Last – Hold 6 inches above ground and switch. If more time is needed, repeat.
While waiting for the 6, we did Flatter Kicks, Copper Head Squats and Plank Jacks, IC.
YHC heard complains during the Dora about the combination of abs and abs, so we started with 10 Burpees OYO. Continued with Gas Pampers, J Los, American Hammers and Dying Cockroaches, IC.
Pay attention to next week’s schedule. Some AOs will be closed, others may host convergences and/or longer workouts.