“Meter’s 43” @ the Rubicon
AO: The Rubicon
When: 09/17/2019
QIC: Mayhem
PAX (13): TopHat, Heidi, Pitstop, Trebek, MillerTime, Special K (welcome back!), Cookie, Red Ryder, Yosemite Sam (FNG), Lumberg, Kruger, Devito
After reading the initial reactions across the interweb, YHC though it might be a good idea to start the Week 3 IronPax challenge at 5:15. Glad we did, as our fellow brother in Greenwood, though well-intentioned, did not account for set up/removal of the cinder blocks (and time to get to the pull up bars) at our particular AO. No worries, as it all worked out, with the beatdown + cleanup ending promptly at 6:15.
And what a beatdown it was. What those IPC overlords lack in logistics, they make up for in misery.
After the disclaimer, PAX moseyed over to the playground for a proper (and necessary) warmup:
12 SSH
10 Windmills
10 Weed Pickers
From there we took a quick trip over to MT’s Truck to obtain our blocks, who was gracious enough to meet us on the other side of the park near the pull up bars. With no remaining excuses left to delay the inevitable, we got in to position, and began….
The Thang:
Iron Pax Challenge Week #3 – “Meter’s 43”
*10 Pull ups
*15 Burpee Coupon Jump Overs
*20 Coupon Curls
*25 Coupon Squat Thrusters
*30 Gas Pumpers (really a reverse LBC)
*Rinse and repeat for 43 minutes. Score was cumulative number of reps completed.
On a long burn like this, no one felt particularly great by the end. But Iron Sharpens Iron, and all PAX who showed up today got better. Great job Men!
*Special TClaps to Red Ryder, who’s first workout was IPC Week #2, and hasn’t missed a workout since. On a related note (see what I did there…I’ll show myself out), welcome FNG Yosemite Sam! Not an easy one to show up to, but way to push through.
*Prayers that Pitstop’s house sells quickly
*Remember to long in your rep count on the F3 Greenwood site
*2nd F this Thursday at 7pm @ Barleygarden–900 Avalon Blvd, Alpharetta, GA 30009