Burpee cornucopia
AO: The Shadow
When: 07/30/2019
QIC: Chain Gang
PAX (10): Stripper Snake Oil Suds Rambo Radar CIA Leon Green Bean Madoff Bill Board
10 Brave souls joined the Q for a beatdown in the shadow of DeKalb’s finest new school trailers…
Side Straddle Hops 20x IC
Monkey Humpers 15x IC
Merkins 10x IC
High Knees 10x IC
Mosey one lap around the parking lot
Rinse and repeat exercises with windmills 10x IC added at the end to stretch out those now marm muscles
Burpees 15x OYO
The Thang:
Thang 1
Cherokee Run over yonder to Dunwoody Elementary (DES) with two pit stops along the way for some Burp & Merks 1-5
Once at DES:
– Burpees 10x OYO
– Up Downs 10x on Q’s command (high knees while awaiting the glorious command)
– Burpos 10x OYO
Thang 2
Partner up for:
Leg Throws 30x
Toyotas 30x
Burpos 15x
Run lap around the parking lot
Rinse and repeat once more, that is plenty
Thang 3
Cherokee Run back to DHS, gather at the picnic tables, to Leon’s vocal chagrin (I believe the quote was “What the F&%$?!”, or something like that)
Dips 15x IC
Burp & Merks 1-5
Dips 10x IC
Jail Break back to the light pole for COT
Prayers by Rambo:
– family friend with the leg infection, blessings that the infection is gone, now to figure out recovery for damaged leg
– Family of Bill Board’s work colleague who tragically took his own life
– Chaingang’s family with loss of grandma in-law
– Healing for Fireballs back and quick release from the nursing home (anyone know which one he is at? Madoff wants to know)
– I am certain there were other prayers, but they escape me now