Homer’s Tour of the Sandlot
AO: Sandlot
When: 07/16/2019
QIC: Homer
PAX (5): Pumba, Flo, Boomer, Tater Tot
The only time YHC had been to Ocee Park before was during an El Matador/Stroller running training for the Peachtree Road Race (I got lost as I lost track of the speedy duo… but found my way back to the park after a long walk around the ‘block.’ Have also posted for a couple Sandlot Beatdowns from Boomer and Stickers. I had not, however, taken time to figure out how large the park is, and what kind of Thang opportunities existed. So… with that in mind, my youngest daughter/2.0 and I showed up on the eve of Homer’s Q to get a lay of the land. I found some cool areas that I thought could be explored and used.
Start out at the Flag (and #1 Below) Greetings and standard disclaimer at the beginning, followed by warm-o-rama.
- Moroccan Night Club
- Imperial Walker
- Weedpicker
Mosey to the stairs at #2
The Thang:
A nice set of stairs are a great addition to any F3 AO, and Ocee Park has a fantastic set of stairs. I can see many opportunities for future Q’s to use these steps to create mumble chatter amongst the PAX.
Today, I really just wanted to make use of the stairs and rail for some Up/Down calf raises, but we sprinkled in several trips up and down stairs before, during and after. 30, 20 and 10 calf raises seemed like a good number. After last trip down the stairs, we circled up some Hillbillies, and Copper Head Squats.
Mosey around the back side of ball fields, then amongst the batting cages to the basketball courts located at #3 on the map.
We had no ball… maybe next time, so we just lined up and made use of the boundary line.
- Bear Crawls and Line Hops. Bear Crawl the baseline and Line Hop the sidelines… then
- Forward Jumps and crab walks… then
- Sprint sidelines, backward sprint baselines… watch out for fence and poles.
Too much time still left. It’s a big park, but even going from one side to the other doesn’t kill that much time, so we used the pavilion closest to the flag with the nicer picnic tables. The PAX did step ups while one ran to bathrooms and back. Keep going until all 5 ran once. Then we did some arm dips on the tables while one of us ran to bathroom and back. Last we ventured over to the playground to find anything we could attempt to pull up on while one by one, we ran to the bathrooms and back.
Mosey back to the flag to finish out the morning with circle of mary. 4 minutes left on the clock, but YHC called it a good workout and we circled up for prayers.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
I have two daughters and we find ways to exercise together as much as possible, but you guys have a great opportunity to build some really meaningful moments with your sons here. We all have the opportunity to build up the next generation who will be leaders. Let’s keep pushing them to have confidence and have goals that they strive for.
We also all know guys who may only start coming to F3 because of their kids. Let’s make sure that we’re praying for those who need the fellowship that happens when we circle up.