We are here to Rock!
AO: The Wreck
When: 07/08/2019
QIC: SwampDonkey
PAX (26): Bear, Raider, Free Pie, Windex, Ariel, Tubbs, Turbine, Bronco, Rewind, Tweaker, Moped, Zima, Doogie, Chalupa, Backside, OJ, SellOut, Rooney, Turbine, Bieber, WideRight, Squeegee, Aflac, Switch, Thumper, GreaseMonkey
Keeping it simple. Donkey Style. YHC warned the PAX after a jab from Aflac, little sleep means
1. No, Aflac, I am not perky today.
2. It was time to do the thing.
A moderate jog around the baseball field, past the playground to get to the lot by main fields for:
20 SSH
15 HillBillys
15 Windmills
Additional smack talk from Aflac for good measure…
The Thang:
We are close to the rock pile so eeeerybody grab yourself a stone and head to the upper field. Between a couple of Qs having us move rocks and the water in the holding areas, coupons are running low. Keep that in mind for next time, but we made do.
Our theme today is 100. Doing 100 reps of each exercise, split in half by running 100y between sets of 50. Line up on endzone to complete all exercises with coupon. Mary or continue current exercise at back of endzone – PAX choice. You have the instructions and Q will call movement as we go:
Skull Crushers
Romainian Deadlifts – with a full twist at waist
Shoulder Press
Lunges – walking (25y and back x2)
(I may be forgetting one??)
We are gonna be over time a bit – head out when you are done with your last set or reps, skip the run if you need. 1:46 over time…apologies to those who had to rush out.
OJ – friend killed in a boating accident over the weekend, leaving behind wife and kids (one was with him and is recovering)
Tweak’s dad finished chemo (PRAISE)
2nd F – Thur 7/11 @ 6:30 – Alpharetta Food Trucks – Downtown Alpharetta
Reminder – link up to our Google Calendar – comz@f3alpha.com
Naked-Man Moleskin:
This group is just incredible. We continue to grow and take in new men and somehow maintain a connection that spans the numbers. I cannot believe or even clearly articulate the incredible impact it has had on me. Thank you all for pushing me and for the opportunity to push others.
Donkey, out.