Pocket Change

AO: Boneyard

When: 07/24/2023


PAX (9): Dinghy, FannyPack, Mater, Mounty, Stroller, RaspberryPi, Brownie, Stiffler


Can’t sue me; can’t sue the park, can’t sue F3


Mosey to the field.

The Thang:

Quarters: (each section builds on the first)

  • Run to the 25 yard line and back
  • Run to the 25 yard line and back. Run to the 50 yard line and back.
  • Run to the 25 yard line and back. Run to the 50 yard line and back. Run to the 75 yard line and back.
  • Run to the 25 yard line and back. Run to the 50 yard line and back. Run to the 75 yard line and back. Run to the 100 yard line (full field) and back.
  • For the 6 = 5 Burpees / 5 Jump Squats. Rinse and Repeat.

Pennies: rep count was 1/2/3/4/5. Each exercise builds on the previous. (i.e. – 1 Burpee, then 1 Burpee & 2 Bonnie Blairs, then 1 Burpee, 2 Bonnie Blairs, and 3 Jump Squats, etc.)

    • Burpee (1)
    • BB (2)
    • Jump Squat (3)
    • Mt Climber (4)
    • Merkin (5)
    • For the 6 = Bear crawl 10yr and back. Rinse and repeat.

Nickels: 5/10/15/20/25. Originally we were going to have them build but the QIC caused some confusion. Ended up just doing 3 rounds of the below.

  • Burpees (5)
  • 10yd bear crawl
  • Squats (15)
  • 20yd bear crawl
  • 25 monkey Humpers
  • Rinse and repeat 3x
  • For the 6 = run to the circle and do 10 LCBS and 10 Flutters. Rinse and repeat.

Dimes: 10/20/30/40/50

  • 10 LBCs
  • 20 Leg Raises
  • 30 BBSU
  • 40 American Hammers
  • 50 Flutters
  • PAX did 2 full sets
  • For the 6 = half field. Run the longs, Bernie the shorts.

Bonus! Q called everyone back to the baseline for a final set. Last round =

  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 Bonnie blairs
  • 15 Jump Squats
  • Run to the 25 yard line (blue line)
  • —————–
  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 Bonnie blairs
  • 15 Jump Squats
  • Run to the 50 yard line (mid line)
  • ———————–
  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 Bonnie blairs
  • 15 Jump Squats
  • Run to the 50 yard line (mid line)
  • ———————
  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 Bonnie blairs
  • 15 Jump Squats
  • Run to the 75 yard line (far blue line)
  • ———————-
  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 Bonnie blairs
  • 15 Jump Squats
  • Run to the full length of the field



  • Dingy: safety for swimmers / travel
  • Stiffler: Katie battling colon cancer
  • Stroller: back to work

Announcements (LOTS, check slack)

  • 8/5, Convergence, Alpharetta City Hall, 7am (6am pre run ruck)
  • 8/11-8/12, Ready Mix Quad, group ruck double gate pool
  • 8/19, Widowmaker Change and New Q
  • 8/26 Darth Visor

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Grateful for each of you! May the Lord bless and keep you.


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