Not quite the full sauna, but still steamy

AO: The Bridge

When: 07/07/2023

QIC: Dinghy

PAX (08): Chesapeake, Escobar, Fuzzy Dice, McCracken, Speedo, Zima, 2.0 FNG Optimus (Welcome!)


With his birthday right around the corner, YHC decided to make it simple but not easy for today’s beatdown. So, memory surprisingly intact, and an FNG in tow, full disclosure was given and off we went.


10 each of: Weedpickers, Willie Mays Hays (actually 12, darn memory), Hillbillies, Moroccan Nightclubs, and SSH’s.

The Thang:

  1. BLIMPS in flight – Starting at the flag, 5 burpees; mosey to the near corner of the theater, do 10 lunges; mosey to Potter’s Wall, do 15 Imperial Walkers; mosey to the South wall at the end of the path, do 20 Mercans; mosey to the entrance to the parcour area, do 25 plank jacks; enter the parcour course, do 30 squats
  2. Half Murph – at the pullup bars, do 10 pullups; run to the South Wall, do 10 mercans; run to Potter’s Wall, do 30 squats; mosey back to the South Wall, do 10 more mercans; return to the pullup bars. Rinse and repeat 4 more times for a total of 50 pullups, 100 mercans, and 150 squats, along with 1.3 miles of run. Mosey to the Burpee Slide…
  3. Burpee Slide – Each pax does burpees while individually pax ascend the ladder and go down the slide, yelling an audible “weeee” as they go down. Conduct burpees at the bottom while until all pax finish. Modification is to bear crawl down the small hill, also while yelling “weee”. Mosey to the flag
  4. Mary – 20 reps of flutter kicks, gas pumpers, and pickle pointers – AND THAT WAS TIME!


Don’t forget about the FIA convergence on 8/6, and the Ready-Mix Quad on 8/11 – 12

Prayers up for healing in the country, as well as travel mercies for those on the wall.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

It was a moist morning, but not the Savannah-like sauna we’ve had the last few days. YHC realized that he can do things at 54 that he couldn’t do at 45 (or 39 or 28)…..and he’s grateful he gets to do difficult things with good folks. Thanks for the opportunity to lead, men! Let’s keep sharpening ourselves and each other…..

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