The Jig
AO: The Wreck
When: 04/19/2023
QIC: Bear
PAX (15): aflac, Backside, Bear, Blue, Choo Choo, Juul, Matt Shields-Norm, Moonshine, Motorboat, rip, Rooney- timlonergan, Sic’em, Squeegee, Tubbs, Yankee
Mosey to base of gym hill.
Mtn climbers / backwards run up hill / toy soldier at top / run back down
Stone mtns at bottom / slow squat jump at top
Mosey to base of the big grass hill next to baseball field
The Thang:
Break into 2 groups.
Group 1 –
- Jig down the wall and back
- run up stairs and back down
- dips in cadence
- Jig down the wall and back until all of group 2 gets back
Group 2
- 15 ish hand release merkins at bottom of hill
- 25 stone mtns at top of hill
- 25 diamond merkins at top of gymnastics building hill
- then back to the start.
Repeat this twice.
Mosey to playground and grab lifting coupon.
- Super set 1 – curls and skull crushers
- super set 2 – bent over rows and shoulder press
- set 3 – romanian dead lifts
Mosey back to flag for some mary and final exercises.
Pray for Choo-Choo’s neighbor and Motorboat’s friend / family who are battling cancer.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Thanks for the opportunity to lead!