When Plan B becomes Plan A
AO: The Bridge
When: 04/14/2023
QIC: Dinghy
PAX (6): Birdie, Gasleak, HIPPA, Popper, TURK
The weather for YHC’s last several scheduled Q’s has been twitchy, so much so that PAX subjected to those beatdowns have received the treat of a constant movement with no rest (BUT UNDER COVER). Today was no different, except the decision to use coupons kind of made it necessary commit to the Plan B workout. As will probably be attested, Plan A probably would have induced less soreness (similar to the 0.0 beatdown at the Widowmaker that was done in a monsoon) .
With a veteran crew, a very short disclaimer was given (with emphasis on “Modify as Necessary”), and off we went.
Short farmer’s carry of coupons from flag to the town center green. Continued with:
10 Weedpickers
12 Willie Mays Hays
10 Copperhead Squats
10 Moroccan Nightclubs
10 Hillbillies
Mosey around the green
The Thang:
So – with the weather holding off, we set about staying outdoors to the greatest extent possible.
- Conducted reps of 10-20-30 with a pairing of block rows and stiff leg deadlifts. After every set, run around the green. Hillbilly for the 6. Farmers carry blocks to the back parking lot
- Conducted reps of 10-20-30 with a pairing of block lunges and goblet squats. After every set, run a 4 corners route around the lot, forward/right karaoake/Bernie Sanders/left Karaoake. Imperial Walker for the 6
- Conducted reps of 5-10-15 with pairing of kettle bell swings and overhead presses. Standard run around the parking lot after each set. Air chair for the 6. Farmers carry blocks to the parking deck
- Conducted reps of 10-20-30 with pairing of block bench presses and block ercans, standard run around the parking deck section (which is now fully engulfed in construction – no more ramp work!). Freddie Mercury for the 6, then pick up the 6.
- Start in parking deck with 5 curls / 5 skull crushers. Farmers carry blocks to the parking deck exit. Conduct 10 curls / 10 skull crushers. Farmers carry blocks to the flag, conduct 15 curls / 15 skull crushers. AND THAT WAS TIME!!!!!!
Promise Race tomorrow across from AAC, starting at 9 am
HAlpha CSAUP (8pm 4/21 to 8am 4/22), at the Rubicon (Wills Park, Alpharetta). Beatdowns every hour on the hour!
Prayers for: Gasleak as his family continues to seek the the final answers for his son’s schooling, as well as praises for some of the answered prayers for said schooling; prayers for safe travel and lessons in servant leadership for Popper and his sons, along with his D group, as they venture into middle Georgia for a father-son retreat; and prayers for HIPPA’s wife as she seeks answers on direction for her new business.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Men, that 45 minutes seemed like it blew by. It’s great to get inspiration from my brothers as it relates to Qing style (T-claps for Birdie!), and YHC hopes that you all feel like it was time well spent. Give that Q sheet love, and it will love you back!