Beatle-Beat Down Mania

AO: The Hooch

When: 04/10/2023

QIC: Tenderfoot

PAX (16): Angus, BallBoy, Birdie, Boomer, Flo, HIPPA, Maguire, Meatball, Mid-riff, Popper, PuffDaddy, Scrooge, Sunshine, Tenderfoot, Zima, Chopper


In honor of the anniversary of the break-up of the Beatles we had a BD with some tunes picked out with their greatest hits. As well, YHC was a big fan of a previous BD from Meatball we did an homage to another recent BD to get plenty of running in for the morning.


We warmed up with the following:




-Morrocan Night Clubs

We wrapped it up with a few of the newly famous runners dynamic stretches and started off with a mosey around the parking lot to the overhang near Ari.

The Thang:

We assembled at the overhang began the fun:

100 Mercans

1x run around the parking lot

100 LBCs

2 x run around

100 Flutter kicks alpha

3 x run around

100 Mountain Climber alpha

1 x run around- finishing up back at the flag for a short session of Mary


Thoughts, prayers and announcements were given to the group:

-Prayers for Readymix family and tomorrow at Meathouse- bring ruck but no coupon- The group will be rucking to pay Stu a visit and return. The round trip should be over 45 min.

-This Saturday across from AAC- promise race- sign up and wear your F3 shirts to event.

-Thanks for the speedy recovery of Ballboys M

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Appreciate the ability to copy/ pay homage to Meatball’s recent BD that gave the inspiration. And hopefully in the future we can also see a return of the dreaded Freddie Dying Cockroach.

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