Escalating BLIMPS

AO: Black Water

When: 04/10/2023

QIC: Olaf

PAX (10): Baskins, DDoS, Happy Tree, Mr. Hand, Napalm, Package, Schneider, Shroot, Soul Glo, Baskins, Mr Hand, Package, DDOS, Soul Glo, Happy Tree, Schneider, Shroot, Napalm


6 PAX for PR and 10 PAX for BLIMPS beatdown.


Started with a slow mosey to the fountain for warmups. Fellow PAX assisted me with the 5 core principles.

The Thang:

BLIMPS routine was weapon of choice for todays beatdown.

Somewhere along the way, a Baskins happened. And we found ourselves discussing the techniques of a prostate exam. Poor Soul Glo asked if it was a self administered or partner administered exam. And you can imagine where it went from there. Great day for fellowship and laughter.

X10 Burpees and a lap

X10 Burpees X20 Lunges and a lap

X10 Burpees X20 Lunges X30 Imperial Walkers and a lap

X10 Burpees X20 LungesX30 Imperial Walkers X40 Merkins and a lap

X10 Burpees X20 LungesX30 Imperial Walkers X40 Merkin X50 Plank Jacks and a lap

X10 Burpees X20 LungesX30 Imperial Walkers X40 Merkin X50 Plank Jacks X60 Squats and a lap


  1. Discussed Murph on Memorial Day. Asked Black Water PAX to show up and represent our AO.


Naked-Man Moleskin:

While we joked about prostate exam techniques. It is a reminder to get checked by age 45 and repeat at doctors recommended frequency based on your family history. It could save your life.­

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