Deck of Leg Day & 1 year Anni
AO: Boneyard
When: 10/03/2022
QIC: FannyPack
PAX (12): Birdie, Bo Knows, Boomer, Dinghy, FannyPack, Feathers, Mater, Scar, Speedo, Stu, Trebek, Zohan
Time to set a PR with the F3 Workout Deck- last time the Boneyard finished 35 cards and we need to up the ante. Strong numbers showed up and a beautiful early morning sky.
Also, today marks the 1-year anniversary of the Boneyard! Seems like only yester…year… Tempus Fugit.
Mosey’d around the center pavilion to the covered picnic tables nearby where we would be centered. Dropped off the speaker & deck and mosey’d down the lot while doing buttkickers & then high knees. Circle up for SSH, Weedpickers, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Arm Circles Fwd & Back, & Covid’s.
The Thang:
Feathers assisted with setting out piles of 7 cards while YHC cranked the emo-pop-alternative playlist. One pile at a time we flipped all 7 and got to work.
Here’s the breakdown. All counts were done Alpha if possible.
Type: | Cards | Reps: | Notes: |
Legs (Spades) | 10 | 261 | |
Core (Clubs) | 11 | 259 | (not including 2.5 minutes of planking) |
Cardio (Hearts) | 9 | 88 | (not including 750M of Sprint, Bear Crawl, Karaoke, and Bernie) |
Upper (Diamonds) | 8 | 217 | (includes 117 Mercans) |
Totals: | 38 | 825 | (1121 is the single count equivalent) |
38 is the new number to beat- awesome work gents!
Prayers for Bo Knows’ M this week with another round of chemo. Prayers for Dinghy this week on the job front as he approaches a solution. Prayers for those affected by Hurricane Ian.
Convergence coming up on 10/29 here at the Boneyard, 6:30. More details to come.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Awesome to lead this morning. It’s been a great year at the Boneyard, here’s to many more.