
Sua Sponte Q

A simple question…Who has the Q today?  The lack of an answer is the birth of a Q. F3 applies the concept of acting on one’s own accord to Leadership through the taking of Individual Initiative (I2 for short) in furtherance of Outcome. F3 calls this Sua Sponte Leadership YHC …

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No room at the field…

Just like Mary and Joseph who were told that there was no room at the Inn, this morning’s crew of Widowmaker PAX received a similar response when attempting to enter one of our standard fields.  We knew that Wise Men bearing gifts would be a stretch, so we opted for …

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Spartan Super

12 PAX decided to show up and play this beautiful Saturday morning out on the Gridiron. Warm up: Mosey out to the Gridiron and pick up our little helpers (aka sand babies) 20 SSH 15 Cherry pickers 60 seconds of stretching The THANG: Spartan Super 3 sets of 10 Set …

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DORA 1-2-3 Sandwich

The Worst Show on Earth (Circus) was Q’d up for today and actually showed up. T-claps Circus. Warm-up: Mosey for a quarter mile to parking lot near the football field for 30 Merkins. Mosey another quarter mile to the RAP pond for 15 Burpees. The Thang: The Sandwich: Partner up. …

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Welcome to the Jungle

Great, misty start to a post on Wednesday with an improved showing from the PAX. YHC was encouraged to make sure no one left refreshed! 0530 and we mosey to the pond for an immediate start The Thang Partner up – 2 men and a coupon (OAK) – Both begin …

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With the anxiety of the big game fast approaching for this UGA fan, YHC decided to take the Q and some aggression out on the unsuspecting PAX of 7 this morning in the gloom. While some are still recovering from the gluttony of the Thanksgiving Holiday and others are already …

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Doing it right on Hump Day

YHC had a good plan for my second Q. A couple new things to introduce to the men of The Hooch on this rather moist Hump Day morning. Was glad to see 5 other HIMs show up in the gloom, and was wondering if anyone was considering a Full Starsky …

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Tour De Wills

14 brave men fought the urge of the fart sack and made it out to the Rubicon ready to roll this Tuesday morning.  Now these men decided not to partake in the Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe and just wanted a good old fashion Military Style Boot Camp Beatdown.  YHC, …

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