
Tomorrow’s Theme: BOYO

After being inspired for the past two weeks always difficult Q by Nacho and the excellent VQ by Do-Si-Do, YHC is ready to lead tomorrow’s beat-down as Q.   With a good warm up mosey, most likely to the the Children of the Corn, be prepared for multiple laps around the track, …

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Invite her to the GUN SHOW!

Great morning in Big Creek after a Monday night lightning storm lit up Forsyth County like Christmas and the 4th of July rolled into one!  Chief and Hammer reminded us that shirt sleeves are for the Non-F3 attending, “Body by Budweiser” types and it was time to get the Anchor …

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I say, I say..

YHC is back in Alpharetta after a year of East Cobb living, and so pumped to be within a reasonable commute to all Alpha AOs. To celebrate, YHC is making the rounds this week, and had the honor of leading the men of The Hooch on this first day of …

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PB for August 1 at the Hooch!

I say, I say, YHC again calls downtown Alpharetta his home and thankful to have a runnable (word?) commute to the Rube, and 15 minutes to our men at The Hooch. I say, I say, this Looney Tune is ready for a beatin’! If you don’t get the reference.. well, …

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Where’s your winky?

Well, after getting a nights’ sleep filled with constant waking afraid I’d be late for my own VQ, I arrived at the Rube along with a group of 14 other strong-willed men. Someone mentioned a winky may come in handy for me, and having no idea what that meant I …

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Thursday 7/28 Pre-blast

VQ tomorrow for Do-Si-Do! I know – don’t say it, this Q is long overdue. For tomorrow, you can expect a merkin-mile along a beautiful scenic Alpharetta route to warm up the chest, 4 corners of mucho-chesto to further deepen the pain in the coming days, and a special partnered …

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