The Breaking Burpee Beatdown

AO: Rubicon

When: 2024-09-19

QIC: Lil Hurt

PAX (17): Cookie, False Start, Focker, Isner, lumbergh, Ma Bell (Cumming), No-See-Um, Pinkey, Red Ryder, Special K, The Real Boucher, The Real Woody, TheRealCradle, Liverpool, GP, Ma Bell #2


As usual, 17 PAX arrived with only 10 HCs the night before.  That's how we roll at the Rubicon.  Short disclaimer given and Mosey'd to the FOD.


  • SSH
  • IW's
  • Toy Soldiers
  • Weed Pickers
  • Wind Mills
  • Arm Circles
  • Triceps' stretches

The Thang:

To get ready for their concert I'm headed to next weekend, where I'll be sporting my Doc Martin's, flannel shirt and wallet chain, we cranked up the Breaking Benjamin, and immediately Pinkey & Focker were not having it.  Apparently it was too intense as they kept checking their heart rates, worried they might spontaneously combust from all the angst.  They both tried to petition for some softer jams like Michael Buble', Celine Deion or Enya.  Next time fellas, I promise! PAX counted off by 4s.  It was about to get real. The Bases:  Burpees at home plate (*10).  Each round of burpees pushed the PAX around the bases.
  • Lunge walk to 1st base
    • Merkins (AMRAP)
  • Bear Crawl to 2nd base
    • Sumo Squats
  • Lunge Walk to 3rd base
    • Sweat Angels (AMRAP)
  • Bear Crawl to home plate
Rinse and repeat for 2 sets (originally planned for 4, but was taking too long).  Mosey'd to the concession stand for round #2. The Circuit: 
  • 10 dips
  • 10 derkins
  • 10 box jumps
  • 10 seconds Balls to the Wall
Run a lap around the bathrooms after each set.  Repeat 4 times.  Pinkey may have considered hiding in the bathroom to escape Breaking Benjamin at this point. Mosey'd back to the flag for some Mary until time ran out.  


In the end, everyone survived the angry playlist - barely.  Both Ma Bells managed to make it through without mixing up their names, and Ma Bell #2 thinks I recycle beatdowns (he's not wrong).  I'll have something different for you the next time you post (maybe). All jokes aside, it was great having the down rangers post at the greatest AO in all in the land, including Liverpool and GP (who I couldn't find in the database for some reason). Red Ryder reminded us of the monthly No Longer Bound Beatdown and Breakfast coming up this Saturday, and No-See-Um plugged the upcoming Nirvana CSAUP.  Check the channels for more details.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

My apologies for blanking on TNT (Truth Nugget Thursday) earlier, but I've got one now.  If you know a PAX who hasn't posted in a while, take a second and reach out to them on Slack or give them a call.  I know it meant a lot to me when I took some time away and guys reached out to invite me back.  It's something I need to do better at as well.  Let's keep an eye out for each other, especially those who might have drifted. Always a pleasure to lead this group of HIM! Until next time...Cheers!

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