Greatest Covers

AO: Windjammer

When: 2024-09-06

QIC: Feathers

PAX (11): Caroline, Cookie, Cox, Deep dish, FannyPack, Mounty, Sparkie, uga, Walkie Talkie, Zohan


YHC was excited to Q the Country Club for the first time since kicking of the Boneyard nearly 3 years ago! I brough a fun mystery playlist and some of my favorite exercises.


Mosey to the lake and do the typical SSH, Copperheads, Weedpickers, Willie Mays Hays, Moroccan Nightclubs.

The Thang:

4 Corners marked off by cones, with 3 extra cones up the right side of the square. Start at top right corner and perform 15 reps of exercise, continuing counterclockwise until hitting bottom right corner.  Perform shuttle/suicide run against up right side of the square and back to bottom right corner.  Perform exercise at that corner.  Rinse and Repeat for 10 reps, then 5 reps per.  Round up six and start over again with second routine, again starting with 15 reps, then 10, then 5.  Finished just in time. Routine 1 (15 reps, then 10, then 5):
  • Diamond David Lee Roth Burpees (Diamond merkin at bottom, split-leg jump at top)
  • Outlaws (alpha)
  • Crab Cakes (alpha)
  • Shuttle Run
  • Hand Release Mike Tysons
Routine 2 (15, 10, 5):
  • Yowzers (Burpee with a Bonnie Blair at the top)
  • Double hand release merkins (HR at bottom, clap or HR at top)
  • Crunchy Frogs
  • Shuttle Run
  • Scissors (Alpha)


Prayers for travel mercies for Zohan's family, for better leadership at home.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Playlist was a set of strong cover tunes, that aren't well-known to be covers.

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