Starting the week strong
AO: Black Water
When: 2024-03-25
QIC: Snake
PAX (8): Cha-Ching, Mantooth, Mr. Hand, Schneider, Shroot, Snake, Packer, Trickle
This morning was a little colder than expected but it didn’t slow these PAX down from a solid prerun and beatdown.Warm-O-Rama:
Moseyed to the bottom of the Landing Strip and warmed up with the following:SSH
Good Morning
Weed picker
Mountain man pooper
Willie mays hays
Moroccan Night club
The Thang:
Since we were already at the Landing Strip it was time for a little Catch Me If You Can:Partner up
Partner 1 jogs backwards up the hill
Partner 2 does 3 burpees and runs forward to tag partner and swap
Recover at top of hill - 10 count
Partner 1 runs forward
Partner 2 does 5 Carolina dry docks and runs forward to tag partner and swap
Next we moseyed to the stairs in the middle
of the City Center and did some 11’s - Mericans at the bottom and LBC’s at the top
From there we moseyed down to amphitheater and grabbed a section of the wall, doing 1 exercise at each level
Dips - 25
Derkins - 25
Step ups - 25
Incline merkins - 25
At this point it was time to Mosey to the flag for 5 minutes of Mary called by each of the PAX.