AO: Academy

When: 2024-03-05

QIC: Devito

PAX (8): Devito, HotSauce, Jackalope, lumbergh, Mayhem, MillerTime, Speedo, Turbine


Plan for today is to tackle the Soft Body Syndrome with a series of Soft Body Prevention Tactics ... SBPT.  Plans really got interesting when Jackalope got a wild hair up his butt to Q the music for the beatdown.  We covered everything from old school rap to Texas twang.  Entertaining is an understatement.


OYO before start

The Thang:

Run over to the track entrance near the school ... far away from houses to protect them from Jackalope's musical madness.  6 stations were setup and ready for a SBPT tabata workout.  Each station with a "work" exercise and a "rest" static hold.  If you aren't working on an exercise, you're in the static hold position.  2 men per station, repeat each station twice before moving on to the next.  Each 4.5 minute tabata cycle started with a run and then the remaining time was spent on the exercise, hopefully hitting muscle failure.  1st run at each station was a lap around the track and the 2nd run was up/down one set of stadium steps. Station 1 - Curls with cinder / Plank Station 2 - Renegade merkins with 20lb dumbbells / Air chair Station 3 - Goblet squat with rock / Balls to the wall Station 4 - Rock V-up / Plank Station 5 - Overhead press with cinder / Air chair Station 6 - Bonnie Blair / Inverse plank Renegade merkin - deep merkin while holding dumbbells, lift right dumbbell up to right shoulder and return, lift left dumbbell to left shoulder and return - 1 rep Inverse plank - plank hold but with chest facing the sky 12 rounds so each man completed each station 2x.  Then back to the gathering point where we paid 5 burpees each for the flag that was not there.

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