I can’t feel my fingers

AO: School Of Rock

When: 2024-01-17

QIC: False Start

PAX (4): Caroline, Dipstick, No-See-Um


Mother Nature wanted to make sure it was as cold as possible for our 0.0 this week.  No worries, I'll keep the PAX moving.


Short jog (I broke the rules, but we needed to start the warmup somehow).  Followed by the following:
  • SSH
  • Toy Soldier
  • Hillbilly
  • Weed Picker
  • Arm Circles
Over to the board to get things going.

The Thang:

Inspired by an IPC that I lovingly remembered from 2020, we're going to complete a Wheel of Misfortune. Here's how it works: Reps were supposed to be the temperature and "feels like" temperature, but when we pulled in this morning it said 12, feels like 0.  You can't have 0 reps of stuff at the School of Rock, so we went off of NSU's phone which said it felt like -2. Complete 2 Thrusters at the hub of the wheel and then rifle carry your cinder to each spoke, where you complete 12 reps for the defined exercise.  This is what we did at each spoke:
  • Derkins
  • Rows
  • Squats
  • Kettle Bell Swings
  • Vertical Chest Press
  • Alpos
We completed a round of the above, and then did some Mary to warm our hands.  After that, round 2 of the wheel with a Mary intervention afterwards. We needed a change of scenery, so we took our cinders to the stadium and completed a Colt 45 (15 curls, 15 overhead press, 15 rows) at the bottom and top of the stairs, doing an up & down to go from one end of the seats to the other. Ok, back to another wheel. Finished that with a few minutes left, so we had 2 PAX farmer carry to a random cone on the ground while the other two completed a PAX-choice Mary. That's time.  


It's too cold, let's leave and head home.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

I'm still thawing out my fingers from this morning, so no deep thoughts today. Until next time!

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