Leg Day

AO: Badapple

When: 2023-12-08

QIC: Ollie

PAX (6): Rusty, Shortcake, Spider, Sprocket, Turbine


At Sprocket's request, pumped up the metal Christmas tunes and got to work.


Quick warmup:
  • 10x Copperhead Squats
  • 10x Weed Pickers
  • 25x Mtn Climbers

The Thang:

Head up to Zima's hill and pair up.  Partner 1 stays at the top and performs the assigned exercise, partner 2 runs down the hill, completes 3 burpees, and runs back up.  Partners swap. Round 1 - Squats Round 2 - LBCs Round 3 - Squats Round 4 - LBCs All PAX complete lunge walk to the other end of the parking lot and back. Round 5 - Big Boys Round 6 - <I honestly can't remember - I guess I should do BB on the day of the workout> All PAX complete lateral lunge walk to the other end of the parking lot and back. Round 7 - Squats Round 8 - LBC's All PAX complete Freddie Mercury's until time is called.

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