Hills and Thrills

AO: The Last Stand

When: 2023-12-06

QIC: Ballerina

PAX (6): Ballerina, Fireball, Jorts, Marcia, Sparky, Steamer


Teams on hills


Side straddle hop, morracan night club, bear hugs, Abe bagoda, weed pickers, mosey

The Thang:

Pairs/Teams: Partner at bottom of the hill 25 merkins , ww2 until partner returns. Partner running hill runs up, 10 squats and returns. 4 rounds Partner at bottom of the hill 25 Stone Mountain, American hammers until partner returns. Partner running hill Bernie sanders up, 10 lunges and returns. 4 rounds Partner at bottom of the hill 25 dips , flutter kicks until partner returns. Partner running hill Bernie sanders up, 10 Bonnie Blair’s and returns. 4 rounds team relay: runner carries sandbag up hill does 5 man makers and returns, runner chooses exercise for team members waiting at bottom of the hill  


Strength for those struggling during this season, good luck to steamer on his bike journey in FL. Positive thoughts for those searching for new ways to serve

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