Partner Turkey Trot Rotation

AO: Gladiator

When: 2023-11-21

QIC: RaspberryPi

PAX (12): Bo Knows, Cheneral, Cousin Eddie, Darkside, DREAMER, Judy, Macbeth, Tar Heel, WhiteWater, Yokel, Brownie


Slow drizzle started to come down in the gloom as PAX were pulling in


Q was feeling nice this morning and set up workout under cover in case of rain - so we meandered over to the picnic benches by the baseball pitches for a quick warm up of   15x SSH 15x Copperhead Squats 15x Hillbillies 8x Weed pickers

The Thang:

AMRAP Partner challenge: Idea was to go through the board and complete said exercises. 1 partner 1 would begin running around parking lot whilst partner 2 stayed under cover and did the exercises for duration on partners run. When P1 got back from the parking lot run then P2 would switch after the running partner completed 10x jump squats upon his return (for RD1)   7 exercises:
  • Quick fire Step Ups
  • Dips
  • Gas Pumpers (mod up - do it on bench)
  • Single Leg Elevated Split Squat
  • Derkins
  • Tarantula's (this is 1x Bonnie Blair followed by a squat)
  • American Hammers
After RD1 was complete all PAX were instructed to complete 13 burpees   Rinse & repeat for RD2 - same exercises, the only change was that the switching partner had to complete 15x Merkins upon his return from the run.   PAX completed with 3 minutes to spare - quick mosey back to the flag.


Announcements: Santa Ruck & donations Thanksgiving annual Flag football starting at 7am Dreamer & Stroller leading early morning run options - Half Marathon (5am) or 10K (6am)   Prayers: Whitewater Mothers fight with cancer Yokel dad suffering from an earlier stroke which is now visibly slowing him down. Travels for all who are travelling for Thanksgiving.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always a pleasure leading this group of men, thank you for the opportunity.

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