5K with 3 pain stations

AO: Grindstone

When: 2023-11-20

QIC: Tsunami

PAX (8): Corn Dog, DirtyMO, Hail Mary, Omaha, Snowman, Spit Valve, Tsunami, Vanna


Mosey to back parking lot. 20 - Side-Straddle Hops 10 - Weed Pickers 12 - Good Mornings 15 - Imperial Walkers

The Thang:

3 Pain Stations. Running a long distance to each. At each station we started with 10 and worked our way down to 1. Station 1: Burpees Starion 2: Mike Tyson's Station 3: Star Jacks Had the cut the work out a few mins short but still got in over 3 miles of running and about 50 reps at each station.


Prayers for Snowman to knock that devil off his shoulder. We are here for you brother! Prayers for Tsunami's wife best friend Susan, who is going through a divorce and just lost her sister to cancer.  

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