Vacation Blues

AO: Academy

When: 2023-10-10

QIC: lumberghstein's monster

PAX (3): HotSauce, Stu, Turbine


Irene Q is all lined up but his trip home from vacation had a little bump in the road when someone bumped into his bumper. Never drive on I-75 (I just assume that's where he was) So I will take it over and going to wing it.

The Thang:

A little mosey while we wait for Hot Sauce to get parked and out of his car. Back to the track for four rounds of 10 Mercans, 20 Squats, 30 LBCs and a lap. Grab a coupon and go to the parking lot slant (barely a hill really) 2 pax are doing curls or shoulder press or skull crushers while one runs backwards up the slant and jogs back down to switch places. Two rounds with each exercise and drop off the coupon Out toward Maple St for a four corners around the neighborhood. A Mucho Mucho. Corner 1: Mercans, Squats, LBCs Corner 2: Diamonds, Lunge forward, Big Boys Corner 3 Offset Left, Backward Lunge, E2K Left Corner 4: Offset Right, Side Lunges, E2K Right Over to the stadium steps for up downs with 10 dips at the bottom Just enough time with our tired legs to do two laps of Run The Straights. All out on the straightaways, ease on the curves. Good talk of recent travels and food throughout.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always a pleasure to lead and keep Academy moving along.

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