Birthday BD
AO: Rubicon
When: 08/03/2023
QIC: Groundhog
PAX (18): Avis, Caffey, Cookie, Dosido, FannyPack, Focker, Hollywood, Krueger, Lil Hurt, lumbergh, MillerTime, No-See-Um, Red Ryder, Special K, Speedo, Sprocket, Trebek
Time to celebrate my birthday by waking up at 5AM for a beatdown four hours after finally falling asleep. Woo-hoo!
Mosey to the parking lot for some of the normal stuff, side-straddle-hops, weed pickers, imperial walkers, and arm circles. Can’t forget Covids, its coming back just in time for the start of the school year!
The Thang:
Mosey to field of dreams. Divide into 4 teams. Much chesto consisting of 10 hand release merkins at home, bear crawl to first, 10 left stagger merkins, crab walk to second, 10 diamond merkins, crab walk to third, 10 right stagger merkins, bear crawl home, finish with 1 burpee to make it 41 total reps (my lucky number today). I think Cookie won that round and losing teams have to do 10 bonny blairs. Bad choice because now it’s time for……..
Mucho lego! Same teams, still attempting to make this a race. Back pedal to the foul pole, 10 jump squats, left karoke to center field, 10 of something else for legs (can’t remember now my brain is mush), right karoke to other foul pole, 10 bonny blairs, sprint home, 10 sumo squats. and finally 1 burpee. Dosido took the crown on this one for Nirvana. 10 star jumps for everybody…makes me feel like Mario from Mario Galaxy on the Wii (back when that was cool).
Mosey to the rock pile. 25 curls with coupon, 25 lunges across parking lot, 25 shoulder taps, 25 lunges back to coupon, 25 overhead press, 25 lunges across parking lot, 25 mountain climbers, 25 lunges, 25 bentover rows.
Still plenty of time for four corners back at the parking lot. Back into our teams for the mucho fun ab portion of the workout. Team 1 at first corner does 20 mike tysons, Team 2 at second corner does 20 box cutters, Team 3 at third corner does 20 J-Lo’s, Team 4 at last corner does 20 LBCs. Cycle through each corner. Rinse and repeat and finish at the flag.
-Prayers for Penny via request from Sprocket. She is only 3 and has a brain tumor requiring another surgery. Praying for a miracle and comfort for those close to her.
-Fannypack is looking for a new job as he talked about on Tuesday. Thanks to those who reached out and praying that a great new opportunity comes his way!
-Announcements were for the family gathering this Saturday morning in Alpharetta. Start thinking about contributing somehow to the next NLB workout – Get with Red Ryder for details.
-I think somebody brought up that the timed stuff is coming up at the Academy (can’t remember what we call it). I heard several groans.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Thanks everybody for coming out to celebrate my birthday! It was a pleasure as always out there in the Gloom with you. Time for this PAX to pass out…