A Great Morning To Celebrate!

AO: Academy

When: 04/18/2023

QIC: No-See-Um

PAX (6): Boss Baby, Devito, Mayhem, MillerTime, Stroller


YHC had the Q for quite awhile so he knew it was coming. However, he didn’t realize it was going to be one helluva Great Morning as it was F3 Alpha’s 8 Year Anniversary!!!


6 #HIM took the #DRP and were all raring to go at 5:15 am. The Five Core Principles were recited, Disclaimer given….albeit down at the corner on our way to make a special visit to the Rubicon (The first ever Official AO of F3 Alpha).


YHC did call out not Good Morning Burpees today, but GREAT Morning Burpees if anyone bystander acknowledged our “Good Morning”. Great Morning Burpees would be partner Bangkok Burpees which MT and I proudly demonstrated.




Maybe today’s jaunt over to Rubicon could be considered a semi-warm-up. More like Pearls on a String, but the pax wasted no time getting over there and lots of exercising….

Squats, Supermans, Diamond Merkins, More Diamond Merkins, More Diamond Merkins, Bear Crawls, American Hammers, and much more.


Once at the Rubicon, Fanny Pack called out 8 Burpees for all to honor the 8 Year Anniversary. MT and I did one more Bangkok Burpee just for the Rube Crew (didn’t know that would be our last on the morning).


The Thang:

Children of the Corn – Monkey Humpers (IC)….for hopefully all of Wills Park to hear if Devito had his wish!
Plank behind Smokejacks for: Plank for 8-count by all/Shoulder Taps (IC)
4 corners at the Green:
  • Burpees
  • X Factors
  • Bobby Hurleys
  • Merkins
*Exercises stay in same corner but quantity changes (10, 15, 20, 25)….and two groups of 3 men going in different directions. YHC didn’t think this through as he mistakenly stuck MT, Devito and Mayhem’s group with the 25 Burpees right off the bat at the end of their first round. Oh, and then 10 to start their second round……ahh, it’s okay. They handled it like true warriors!!
Parking garage:
4 exercises at every turn all the way to the top.
  • Carolina Dry Docks x8
  • Squats x8
  • Donkey Kicks x8
  • American Hammers x8
At Top:
  • BTTW with 8 counts. When fall, do squats for six.
  • Miller Time was the champ – Shocker!
At Bottom:
  • Wall Sits w/ 8 counts. When fail, hold plank for six.
  • Miller Time & No-See-Um shared victory!

Back to the flag now for some Mary along with partner runs to add some more miles.




  • HALPHA-DAY: This Friday night starting at 8 pm going for 12 hours…at The Rubicon!
  • Spring Convergence at The Wreck …. Saturday, May 6. Details to come via slack.


Prayers for safety the rest of the week and to always be EHing.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

8 Years have went by in a flash and what an impact F3 Alpha has had on so many men in this community, state and beyond. Let’s not stop here though and continue to give it away to all men….remember the first two core principles of F3:

  • It is FREE of charge
  • Open to All Men


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