X Marks the Spot

AO: Firehouse

When: 04/06/2023

QIC: Seaman

PAX (8): Better Call Saul, Closets closets closets, DDoS, Dunshire, Lightweight, Script Kiddie, Seaman, Suarez


I was DR for a work trip last year and posted at The Den in Waco, TX.  Hashtag Q’d a great BD he called X marks the Spot.  This is adapted from his BD.


No Mosey, straight to the Disclaimer and warmup items.
Sun Gods
Reverse Sun Gods
Abe Vigoda
Willy Mays Hayes
Runner’s Stretch
Grab a coupon from your vehicle, or borrow one from Script Kiddie or Lightweight (thanks gents).

The Thang:

We carried our coupons to the center of the soccer field and YHC explained the BD:
Round One:
Do two burpees in the center of the field, then farmer-carry the coupon to one of the corners of the field and complete 20 reps of an exercise.  Return to the center farmer-carrying your coupon in your other hand, complete two burpees, and go to another corner and complete a different exercise.  Complete each corner twice.
The exercises in the four corners were:
Shoulder Presses
Kettlebell Swings
Coupon Squats
Round Two:
Sort of a reversal of Round One, we did two blockees in the center, left the coupon, and ran to the corner and completed 20 reps of a different exercise in each corner.
The exercise in the four corners were:
Plank Jacks
Mountain Climbers
Skater Jumps


Family Friendly 2nd F cookout at Main Street Park, Dawsonville, the 3rd Tuesday of April.
4/21 BD at Wills Park, 9pm Script Kiddie will lead a BD, plus there are other ones.
4/22 Dunshire’s Birthday party and whiskey tasting.
5/20 Mount Curahee CSAUP:  3 miles up, 3 miles down.
Prayers for all who are traveling this week

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Gratefule to lead these HIM and get a little bit better ITG.

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