Wednesday Wreckin

AO: The Wreck

When: 02/15/2023

QIC: Bieber

PAX (16): aflac, Bear, Blue, Catheter, Grouch, Juul, Moonshine, rip, Rooney- timlonergan, Sell-out, Squeegee, Switch, Tubbs, Mountain Momma, Loveshack


The rain held off just enough for us to get some work in this morning.


12 Hillbillies

10 Windmills

12 SSHs

10 Weed Pickers

16 Arm Circles (8 is each direction)

The Thang:

The first Thang was 11’s at the football field parking lot. We did a combination of Wall Mountain Climbers and Merkins

Next, everyone grabbed a coupon and headed to the field for some lifting work. The fist exercise was 25 curls on the goal line, then a coupon carry to the 25 yard line for 25 skull crushers. We did this rotation 3 times. The second set was 20 kettle bell swings with 25 rows at the 25 yard line. We did three sets of this as well. The third set was cut short by time, but we started on a combination of fire hydrants and big boy sit ups.

at 6:09 we returned our coupons and made our way back to the flag for a minute of marry.


Welcome back Mountain Momma and welcome Loveshack. Great work today – it’s great to have you!

Prayers for Kitty (Moonbeam’s neighbor), Sparky’s dad, and our very own Norm.

Thanks to all for Bear’s fundraising goal being met! Keep an eye out for a donation opportunity for Juul and Goat’s upcoming mission trip.

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