Mutiny on the trails

AO: Hogwallow (Trail)

When: 04/24/2022

QIC: Meltdown

PAX (15): aflac, Boomstick, Button, Circus, Deadbeat, DREAMER, gmonkey, Hammy, Ikea, Meltdown, RaspberryPi, SCREECH, Virginia Slim, Yankee, Commodore


During Thursday’s Hog, YHC mentioned to goat that ONE day, I’d Q saturday hog and call for hill repeats. He thought that was a GREAT idea, and wouldn’t be able to take Saturday’s Q so opportunity seemed to be knocking.

The Thang:

When told of the hill repeats, all pax but one scattered like cockroaches into the trails, only to be seen an hour later.

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